Rubric Generator

The tool on the left helps create rubrics that follow Common Core Standards, ensuring consistent and effective assessments. Developed in Playlab, this easy-to-use resource is suitable for schools or districts, allowing teachers to quickly make detailed rubrics for specific learning goals. It helps teachers provide clear expectations and fair evaluations, improving student learning results.

Feedback Generator

This tool helps writing teachers assess student work based on a rubric, looking at structure, clarity, grammar, and style. An advanced algorithm analyzes the text and gives feedback on strengths and areas for improvement that teachers can copy and paste as comments on student work.

Class Companion: A website where teachers can post assignments and have AI score the assignments. Other features include:

  • Instant feedback for students (when enabled)

  • Copy + paste detection

  • Plagiarism detection

  • A review feature that allows students to flag scores they think are incorrect for further teacher review

Prompt Cheat Sheet

Streamline lesson planning and enhance student engagement with simple GenAI prompts. Create vocabulary lists, summarize texts, craft rubrics, and reimagine assignments to save time and boost classroom effectiveness.


Chapter 1 Understanding Generative AI


Chapter 3 Student Learning