INCLUSION: Season 3 Trailer


"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein Gary Chu is a high school mathematics teacher in a racially and culturally diverse suburb outside of Chicago. He is passionate about disrupting inequities. You can follow him on Twitter at @mrgarychu.

In November 2018, Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg posted a tweet in which she questions the traditional use of the word “inclusion” by explaining how she views it as a minimum and challenges us to go further. 

She says:

It’s not about inclusion or even celebration. It’s about expansion. 

Our culture is better when disabled folks expand its ideas about embodiment.

"Our culture is better when centering POC shifts its paradigms. 

Our culture is better when nonbinary & trans ppl uproot its gendered BS.

Inclusion = you’re allowed to be here. 

Celebration = your being here is great!! 

Expansion = we will grow and change because of what you offer.

She goes on to say she is “grateful for all the visionaries pushing for a more expansive and radical way of being in the world today.”

Welcome to Season 3 of Beyond the Curriculum. 

During this series, we will hear from visionaries who will share their ideas about “inclusion” and the way they push for a more expansive and radical way of being in the world today. We will be looking at inclusion and how creating more inclusive environments provides spaces where all learners can thrive. 

We will hear from teachers and advocates who will help us gain perspective on what inclusion means and how educators can be intentional as they create more inclusive environments. 

We’ll find out about common barriers that prevent inclusion, some ways inclusion is done well, and how general education teachers can partner with both special education teachers and community members to take our students, schools, and communities…

beyond the curriculum.

Aaron Blackwelder

Aaron Blackwelder teaches high school English and coaches boys’ and girls’ golf in Southwest Washington. He is the co-founder of Teachers Going Gradeless, host of the podcast Beyond the Curriculum, and the educational contributor to Spectrum Life Magazine. Aaron is a Washington State English Teachers Fellow, was nominated for Washington State Teacher of the Year in 2019, and is a five-time golf coach of the year. Aaron is a husband and father of two boys on the autism spectrum, who inspire him to become a teacher who meets the needs of all students.

What is Inclusion? Amy Campbell | Season 3 Episode 1