The Pointless Classroom with Gary Chu | Season 2 Episode 6


"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein Gary Chu is a high school mathematics teacher in a racially and culturally diverse suburb outside of Chicago. He is passionate about disrupting inequities. You can follow him on Twitter at @mrgarychu.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
— Albert Einstein

Gary Chu is a high school mathematics teacher in a racially and culturally diverse suburb outside of Chicago. He is passionate about disrupting inequities. You can follow him on Twitter at @mrgarychu. Gary contributed a chapter to the book Ungrading: Why Rating Students Undermines Learn (and What to Do Instead) titled “The Pointless Classroom: A Math Teacher’s Ironic Choice Not in Not Calculating Grades”.

Throughout this series, I will be interviewing the contributors to this book to help gain a better understanding of what Ungrading is and how it can be applied.

In this episode, Gary will discuss how he engages his students in deeper learning, promotes relationships, and provides students feedback that helps students gain a better understanding of the ways mathematics can be used beyond the four walls of the school.

This the sixth episode and final episode of this series where you will hear from the chapter authors themselves who will help us dive deeper into their ideas about assessment and its impact on teaching and learning allowing us to go beyond the curriculum. 

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Aaron Blackwelder

Aaron Blackwelder teaches high school English and coaches boys’ and girls’ golf in Southwest Washington. He is the co-founder of Teachers Going Gradeless, host of the podcast Beyond the Curriculum, and the educational contributor to Spectrum Life Magazine. Aaron is a Washington State English Teachers Fellow, was nominated for Washington State Teacher of the Year in 2019, and is a five-time golf coach of the year. Aaron is a husband and father of two boys on the autism spectrum, who inspire him to become a teacher who meets the needs of all students.

A STEM Ungrading Case Study with Clarissa Sorensen-Unruh | Season 2 Episode 5